Reiki History
Reiki is an ancient system of natural healing which was rediscovered in the 1920s. The Reiki practitioner places his/her hands on or slightly above the client's fully-clothed body, releasing energy blockages. Reiki works beautifully on its own as a stress reducer, as well as in conjunction with conventional medicine to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness.
How can I benefit from Reiki?
Reiki is a gentle healing technique which promotes relaxation and release of tension. It is extremely calming, and is very helpful in minimizing or eliminating pain, lowering blood pressure, and assisting in eliminating or reducing symptoms from illnesses and conditions of all kinds. Reiki can never do harm, has no “side effects”, and works well in conjunction with medical techniques and physical therapy practices.
Your Reiki session options are 90 minutes ($90), 60 minutes ($60) or 30 minutes ($35). Cash, check or Venmo are accepted.
Gift certificates are available year-round, allowing you to offer the Cantillation/Reiki experience to your loved ones, friends, neighbors, colleagues – anyone whom you feel may benefit from some healing and relaxation. Or put a gift certificate on your own wish list!
“Reiki is very much like explaining an emotionally moving photograph, a sunset, a song, or a work of art; you can talk about it all you want, but not until you experience it for yourself can you fathom the raw power that it can offer.”