What is Cantillation Therapy?
To cantillate means “to recite with musical tones”. Cantillation, also known as toning, can be described as “a system of healing that utilizes vowel sounds to alter vibrations in every molecule and cell of the body”.
An ancient method of healing whose use had virtually disappeared for many years, toning experienced a resurgence of research during the 1960s, due in large part to teacher and author Laurel Elizabeth Keyes of Colorado. Cantillation Therapy has developed from the research of Keyes and other sound pioneers such as Ted Andrews, Don Campbell and Jonathan Goldman, as a simple yet profound method of healing for the body, mind and spirit.
Many cultures throughout history have known intuitively that sound is a creative force and that music brings therapeutic benefits to the body. People sang or whistled while they worked. This self-created music not only helped them to pass the time more pleasantly, but also released tension and stimulated circulation in their bodies. We now have evidence that sound can move matter, and that vibrations can cause changes in molecular structures. Cantillation then, stimulates the energy flowing in the body; we learn to flow with life instead of fighting it.
What is a Cantillation session like?
Each vowel sound, each tone resonates with a particular part of the body. During a Cantillation Therapy session, we will begin by searching for the vowel sounds and tones that resonate in your body, particularly in areas where you may be experiencing pain or illness. After locating these variables, we will sound these tones in varying ways to bring about the health and wellness that is your birthright.
Do I need to sing?
Absolutely not. Creating these healing tones can be done solely by your practitioner, with voice, or even with violin or piano if their use seems to be advantageous. Of course you are more than welcome to join in if you wish, and you can also easily learn how to produce these tones on your own so that you can continue the healing process at home. Either way, you will be on a path to restoring your body, mind and spirit to its natural state - perfect health.
Cantillation Therapy can be done on its own, or in conjunction with Reiki. Your Cantillation Therapy sessions are 90 minutes ($90), 60 minutes ($60) or 30 minutes ($35). Cash, check or Venmo are accepted.
Gift certificates are available year-round, allowing you to offer the Cantillation/Reiki experience to your loved ones, friends, neighbors, colleagues – anyone whom you feel may benefit from some healing and relaxation. Or put a gift certificate on your own wish list!
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.”